Ministry to Parents Podcast

#062: Living From a Place of Rest

As we all know, December can be crazy both at church and at home. If we’re honest, life can be crazy both at church and in the home. In this episode, Sass, Kerry, and Amy talk about how, as ministry leaders, we need to learn to slow down and rest. This rest shouldn’t be reserved for time off and vacations, but we should learn how to incorporate rest into our normal rhythm of life and have a mindset that values rest. Our rest should be a real, deep rest that focuses on God and our relationship with him instead of a Netflix binge kind of rest that the world offers. If we’re going to be the leaders that God wants us to be, we have to learn how to make rest a normal and natural part of life so that we can live from the strength that this rest provides. We need to learn how to lean into the Lord as he says, “Be still and know that I am God.” (Psalm 46:10)