Ministry to Parents Podcast

#075: Slow Down and Rest

Chris Sasser, Kerry Ray, and Amy Diller

Let’s be honest: there’s a lot to manage when navigating daily ministry or family life (or both simultaneously). To say we are “busy” is sometimes an understatement. The frantic pace of life we often live leads us to a place of exhaustion where we simply cannot operate at our best. In our families and in our ministries, we tend to move from event to event and have so much to do that we have little time for rest, reflection, and genuine relational connection. The world will always push us to do more, be more, and accomplish more. But God encourages us to be still and focus on Him. He wants us to rest in His presence and learn to seek His kingdom above all else. In this month’s podcast, Sass, Amy, and Kerry discuss the importance of slowing down and learning how to rest. Let’s be real; we desperately need to do this as ministry leaders, and it’s our responsibility to lead the families in our churches to have a different mindset when it comes to moving through life. So pour yourself another cup of coffee, kick up your feet, and rest for just a few moments while you listen in as we both try to convince you that slowing down is essential, and we give you some ideas on how to do it.